This week I decided to start show you my beauty references, I'll post some of my work too.
Healthy food, healthy hair
Have you ever heard the expression "You are what you eat?" it's applied to your hair too! Yes, if we don't eat the necessaries nutrients to keep our body in perfect conditions, of course it also reflect in the health of the hair.
Avoiding split ends
Sometimes we don't even know what is the main cause for the unwanted split ends. It became worst when we find out that we are causing it, when washing the hair or brushing it.
Let's get into details.
Understanding haircuts and shapes
The most frequent question I have heard is "What haircut fits me best?" Then I noticed that most of people don't know much about their face shapes, so I decided to explain some important aspects you have to know before you think what haircut fits you best.
How to Wash Your Hair
Is there a properly way to wash my own hair?
Did you know moisturizing products can deposit waste on your scalp?
Do you know how to avoid the accumulation of waste on your scalp?
Did you the most common causes for the split ends happen when you wash your hair?
Hair loss causes and precautions
Who isn't afraid of hair loss?
Here I am talking about some causes and precautions to avoid or minimize the hair loss.
This subject goes through medical issues and bad habits. My family and I have a specific point of view which have been helping lots of people over 50 years.